Association Clinique et Thérapeutique Infantile du Val de Marne

The association

In 1988, a group* of pediatricians and otorhynolaryngologists created ACTIV.

ACTIV is ruled by French law 1-7-1901 and is a Speciality Group of the French Society of Pediatrics (SFP).

Its initial goal was to become an interface between laboratories and pediatricians trained to perform clinical trials. The protocol conception took into account general medicine capabilities. The number of investigators has increased, and from a local action (Ile-de-France), ACTIV has been collaborating with the French Association of Ambulatory Pediatrics (AFPA) at a national level.

ACTIV now includes a large number of hospital pediatricians and its activities are closely linked to the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Group and AFPA.

*Philippe Reinert (Président d’honneur), Robert Cohen, France de La Rocque, Philippe Bedbeder, Michel Boucherat, Alain Bouhanna, Annie Elbez, Marie-Dominique Lecompte, Philippe Trévise, Alain Wollner.

Les sociétés suivantes sont partenaires d'ACTIV
Association à but non lucratif
31, rue Le Corbusier - 94 000 Créteil
Tel : +33 (0)1 48 85 04 04